MILK Token / SNOW Token

Utility for these two tokens has yet to be completely clarified (SNOW was never truly covered) What possible use cases and utility do you see in future use… could one be governance the other fee allocation? Maybe one for a bridge toll fee for other protocol usage? What are your thoughts what kind of utility can we vote on?


Milk utility is a big subject and I suggest to have a different discussion for it, so I will focus on Snow here.

  1. Could be used to have reduced fees on MuesliSwap like it is the case for Milk and WMT
  2. Could be used in the liquidity pools soon to earn myield (with a smaller multiplier of course because of the tiny supply)
  3. Could be used as a reward for some community initiatives when it gains some value (after 1. and 2.)

I think that Milk utility should be established first, snow should be covered much later but with a promise of not abandoning it, so that people who staked for it or bought it don’t feel screwed.

For milk, I don’t think governance is enough. First we have to build a high engaging community so that third parties will want to be exposed to our audience in exchange of staking for their tokens. Another idea is a launchpad, locked behind staked/locked milk tokens. The launchpad seems much more feasible at this point, as building a community and attracting third parties is more of a long term endeavor.

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Milk can be used for gaining access to Instant Swaps or to decide if a token should be listed on the dex. This way we can approve any new tokens or reject them. We as a community will have a voice in approving any project.

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I agree that the launchpad will increase the utility of the token. People want to have an early access to different projects and Muesli can help

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I agree with this. At least 10 milk in the wallet to use the DEX aggregator. That would mean a lot of users would try to get at least 10 milk. Larger holdings should grant rights to things like Launchpad, reduced fees and governance.

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Perhaps at some point, the SNOW token could be used to redeem special NFTs that would have been published by Muesliswap or affiliates who would then gain additional visibility for their project.

For example, it could be a special card for Dracards or an item for some other game that you could redeem either by using a certain amount of ADA, MILK or SNOW.

A preset price of 50 ADA 10 MILK 5 SNOW for example would create value for SNOW and MILK.

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I think I wanna see first what the team’s initial plan for this token in their ecosystem. They really never divulged anything on this token.

I keep imagining SNOW as a Fees reduction tool Maybe lock up to earn a discount on batcher fees or a token bridge mechanism ala MELD Akagado Token … Perhaps a Launchpad token utility not governance related.


Should we separate this into two topics? For a better overview.

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We can revisit it after Vasil Hard Fork

Feels as though since the token was issued early on as a 1. Dedication to the time when muesli was born during a snowfall 2. Was issued most likely as a way to further fund Muesliswap team( I have no actual knowledge this is true only surmising here). With both of these out of the way it should allow the buyers of snow in the early days access to project tokens early, the ability to receive a discount on overall fees for a tx, the ability to lessen fee surrounding a lending product. I know it seems like a lot but the more functionality it has the better its overall value and of course rewards those of us who absolutely love Muesli and want to see them succeed:-)


funny thing is the only other dex I fool with is MinSwap and thats for the multi yield farming … I do everything else thru Muesli so far …swaps thru aggregator are a god send. Ive barely looked at the others in 30 days or more.

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